A scalable framework for cloud application services.

rocket Getting Started

light_bulb What is it?

The Cerulean Web System, also known as CWS, is a web systems framework that focuses on scalability through simplicity and modularity.

Think of the Cerulean Web System as a Cloud Services Operating System. It is truly the first of its kind. It bridges the Unix Philosophy with the world of cloud services.

flask Why do we use it?

The primary reason we use CWS is due to its simplicity and modular design pattern. The approach dates back to the origins of Unix systems and can be summed up quite simply with a quote…

Write programs that do one thing and do it well.

The Unix Philosophy has been instrumental in the creation of a highly extensible and simplistic framework that focuses on providing encapsulated functionality which also promotes the design and construction of scalable solutions. We truly believe that it is better to have a single program do one thing extremely well, then to have one program do many things mediocre at best.

history What's the History?

The CWS began as a project that was orignially developed under the title of "Module Development Vault" in 2006 by Mark Dovermann (Co-founder of MyWebsiteSpot.com) and later formalized into a project appropriately named "The Cerulean Project" in 2009 under a new company banner, Cerulean Microsystems.

The software has since been continuously developed and has been utilized for many customers of all sizes across multiple industries.